What’s “new” about Co-Enzyme Q10 Softgels? Well a couple of things.

First– The formulation has changed. We are now using a brand-new form of Co-Enzyme Q10- Ubiquinol. It has the advantage of being considerably more absorbable and more absorbable means more effective- up yo 4 times more effective than the old ubiquinone form of the same product.

Second-The price. That’s right we’ve given Co-Enzyme Q10 Softgels a new low price. And for the next few days (Oct. 20-31) the price is even lower- there’s a 10% discount! Why? So you’ll try it.

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If you’re a registered website user and have the “Professional” designation click on the picture to go to the online store to place an order. Not registered as a “Professional” yet? Just register on the sidebar in the “Login” box and either drop us an email or give us a call to confirm your status. We’ll assign you the proper designation then you can shop online.

Freedom Action Conference

What’s going on with Codex Alimentarius? What’s the FDA up to? How come the FTC seems to be doing a lot of the FDA’s dirty work? And how does this relate back to the Codex? Are there deeper implications of the Codex? If you’re wondering about the answers to these questions or have others we haven’t thought of, then you need to join us for the 2010 Freedom Action Conference. Health freedom doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s a piece in the puzzle of personal liberty.

This August, you can get more of the rest of the pieces and the guide to how to assemble them.

The health care freedom advocates that will be presenting are true experts in their fields. Scott Tips is an attorney with an international practice, practicing law in both the United States and Europe. Scott is the president of the National Health Federation and is THE expert on Codex Alimentarius, a European organization trying to assume control over American medicine through international treatyagreement. You can read more on Scott HERE.

Other presenters will be Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle, an expert in Homotoxicology and nutrition. He is a graduate and member of the Board of Trustees for Capitol University of Integrative Medicine, in Washington, D.C. He is a primary researcher in the effects of Electomagnetic fields with the Human Physiology. Dr, Marrongelle and Scott Tips are speaking on Codex and the continuing drive to control natural supplements.

Additionally, Dr. Jane Orient is speaking on ObamaCare, crisis and opportunity Will it destroy private medicine

In an article in the Over The Counter Today blog we learned that Sen. John McCain has withdrawn all support of his own bill (S. 3002), the laughably misnamed Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010.

In effect this bill would have imposed draconian penalties for dietary supplement companies who made new products with recently uncovered ingredients if they weren’t marketed in the United States prior to the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (Oct. 15, 1994). In other words, only drug companies would have access to ingredients that became available prior to nearly 16 years ago. If a company were to use one of these ingredients, the FDA would be empowered to call it “adulterated” and to order an instant recall. It also handed the Secretary of Health and Human Services the power to ban ingredients by simply striking them from a list called “Accepted Dietary Ingredients.”

It is clear that McCain is feeling the political heat. He is in a tense primary battle to keep his Arizona US Senate seat and apparently, enough of you have contacted his office and expressed your displeasure with this new power grab to give him the idea that maybe supplements ought to be left alone. This effort of McCain’s was really just one of the many steps the federal government is taking to turn control of all dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals over to the control of international “authorities” by adopting the European “Codex Alimentarius” as law in the United States. This essentially would place all regulation of supplements under the control of European bureaucrats who are themselves under the control of German Pharmaceutical giants.

McCain was convinced by both internal and external pressure to withdraw support for this bill. Your calls helped as did this letter from